Terrapin House Studio
Terrapin House Studio

Hotel Series

The Hotel Series is a set of abstracts have been described as evoking the feeling of dreams, the organic structure of the brain, as well as flowing movement. As with most artists I have a day job that helps subsidies the art career. I am either an artist with an engineering habit or an Engineer with an art habit. This last year this job required me to be in California for about 30% of the time. As with most addicts I could not go cold turkey on art. So after a few stained hotel towels I learned a method of art making that could be done on the road. The size of each individual piece is limited by the size of a suitcase, but in total they become something more and have been the centerpiece of my last solo show DeePer that ran for three months in Valparaiso IN. The finally of the series was an over size landscape Bend that is to be show at ArtPrize 2014


Hotel Series

Contact Me

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Peter M. Steeves



1410 Fairlane Dr
Valparaiso, IN 46383

What's New?


Come see "BEND" hosted at the J.W. Marriott in Grand Rapids MI

Come explore this unique experience of the world’s most open, most exciting, art exhibition that takes over the city of Grand Rapid for nineteen days.

Sept 24-Oct 12

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